The sense of our migrations

We could certainly wonder about the "sense of our migrations" in the heart of these important news stories that upset the bedrock of our migrations

Clearly, it would be helpful to explain what we mean by "migration" and "sense".

Sense can be concrete, but, more fundamentally, it is the fruit of a bewilderment, the expression of a particular or singular freedom.

This freedom, which is itself migrating, opens up to build a sustainable and shared fertility, not only for oneself or for others (too often clumsily thought of as such: I want to help refugees fit and regain a sense that was lost…!).

In short, imagining the sense of our migrations means an exchange, a reciprocity that throws itself into the arms of a different economy, different because it’s born of a migration, in fact, that is transformative in itself. Migration, especially when it is forced, causes, or even requires, a revival which must freely flourish, unless our migrations have no more sense to seek, find, share or live out, among all of us migrants.


The sense of our migrations