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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 1 min
Katerina prépare un doctorat en architecture et géographie sociale sur les modes de vie alternatifs. Au cours des dernières années, elle a passé beaucoup de temps à explorer la Maison Josefa et ses espaces de vie, rencontrant les habitants et échangeant avec eux sur leur expérience Josefa. L'atelier est un point final de sa démarche.

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- Category: Moulin JOSEFA Wallonie
- Read Time: 1 min
Un important chantier "bois de chauffage " consistant à fendre, scier et ranger un grand nombre de gros troncs bruts, a mobilisé les résidents du Moulin Josefa en ce début octobre. Ce travail a nécessité la location d’une fendeuse et surtout la participation de toutes les forces vives pour venir à bout de ce chantier réparti sur deux jours et demi. Ce travail s’inscrit dans la charte du Moulin Josefa qui prévoit une dizaine de chantiers collectifs sur base annuelle. Plus de 20 stères ont été débités et rangés avec soin. Tous les résidents ont participé dans la bonne humeur. Ce bel élan de solidarité au sein du Moulin Josefa est de nature à renforcer la cohésion de notre collectif. D’autres travaux d’entretien (fauchage, taille des arbres et des haies, etc.) sont d’ores et déjà prévus dans le courant du mois de novembre.

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 1 min
Gaël Giraud écrit dans la Nouvelle Revue de l’Academia Josefa « Être-en-commun » : Partager, migrer, un chemin vers la joie.
Belle lecture à nous tous, « migrant(s) de l’existence »

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 1 min
La Fondation Josefa présente aux JO 2024 à Paris : Olympiens ou non, Marathoniens ou non, tous Migrant.

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 1 min
Our migrations transform our lives and, who knows, perhaps our deaths. Our migrations are what we are, what we are becoming. What can we say, in these times of upheaval, as in all times, that upheavals lead to metamorphoses, in everyone, in time, against time...

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 3 mins
As 2022 was the time, the moment, of the installation at the Josefa Mill, it might be legitimate to see how this new migration tends to illuminate the possible 2023 (s).

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 2 mins
10 years of steps, detours, contours, flights, struggles, fights.
10 years of joys, challenges, sorrows, misunderstandings, amazement.
10 years of almost nothing, of already there, of not yet, of beyond.

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 2 mins
Over the last ten years, Josefa's itinerancy has led to a reflection on our human migrant condition with the delicate observation that it is almost impossible to change the traditional migratory economy.

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 4 mins
"Migrant", "non-migrant", "refugee", "non-refugee", here or there, self or other... what are we looking for at the end: unity or division, recognition of all and each or discrimination and marginalisation?

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 2 mins
Find the source, the origin, the beginning. To look. To listen to this inner score of our Humanity: these are our migrations that flow.

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 3 mins
What does “migrations” mean to me: a word, a language, a phenomenon, experiences, a peril, a source, life, death?
What are the possible definitions, the contours, the borders?

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- Category: Migrations
- Read Time: 4 mins
Some furtive glances.
Krakow, the Polish Florence. An ancient city centre, set in a tree-lined garden, itself set with tram tracks. An urban setting, with twirling bells and a few bruised traces of a Jewish presence, old university walls containing the revival of modern thought. An artistic habitat...

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- Category: Événements
- Read Time: 2 mins
Through which lens do I view the migratory phenomenon? With what dispositions and intentions am I affected by the questions raised by our migrations? Moreover, am I still free of my "migrant being" and of my perceptions about our migrations?

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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 8 mins
Our western society, heady with its successes and impressive technological performances, especially in the fields of biology and health as well as in space research, but closed to anything that would reduce its success and limit its ambitious plans of evolution, had succeeded in getting rid, almost to the point of denying it, or at least neutralizing this witness as cumbersome as inevitable: death…

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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 5 mins
How can we combine “migration” and “migrations”? In other words, is it still possible, in politics, which too often wants to act in the short term, in a so-called efficient manner, to honour, as in public life, the uniqueness of each journey, of each migration?...

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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 3 mins
SHIFTS is my first audio documentary and my first project at the Josefa Foundation…