At a time when the issue of a common security is being put forward more than ever before (because of the onward progress of technology and its influence on us), it seems interesting to question this so-called “social security” concept in relation to our migrations…

It will be noted that the verb “migrate” is used here in the present participle and not as a gerund. Thus, this interlocution seems to me more intriguing, but also more to the point and more sensible for human beings than if “migrants” had been used… Read more @ Academia Josefa.


The Josefa Foundation invites us to take part in the adventure of Academia Josefa "a blog about our migration"; an adventure that started in February 2019 with, to date, the participation of around twenty authors in the writing of original texts relating to "our migrations" … 

Migration in the universal sense

When one studies historical, biological, astronomical or chemical matters... generally with most scientific studies, movement, on a large or small scale, is inseparable from life as opposed to inertia which is associated with death…