Migrants. Never again!

Continuing to discriminate against part of our humanity, including for assistance purposes, is scandalous and illegal

It is time to stop calling men, women and children, quantifying them, grouping them under the term "migrants".

What kind of world is this which, in the name of hospitality, solidarity, ethnocentrism or rejection, allows itself to put a label, an identity on men, on women, on children? What is this Tribunal that judges, that condemns?

Shame, scandal, illegality.

In the name of our common humanity, I ask that this term "migrants" never again be applied arbitrarily and therefore only to some of us.

For we are all migrants; for we are all human.

Never again should this term "migrants" be applied to some people in particular.

Indeed, as the Josefa Foundation has been saying since 2011, each of us, without exception, each in a unique way, is a migrant, not just some of us "the migrants".